About Me
Hello! My name is Andrew Scheiner and thank you for taking the time to check out my website hosted by GitHub pages. I live in Allentown, Pennsylvania, and I am currently a senior at Dickinson College (Carlisle, PA) pursuing a B.S. with a double major in both Computer Science and Data Analytics.
Technical Background
During Summer 2022, I completed a data analytics internship for Dickinson’s athletics department where I helped analyze data on recruits and the men’s basketball team. For the past two summers (2023 and 2024), I completed a software development internship at B. Braun Medical working with the R&D Digital Tech department in Allentown. My main task at B. Braun was to work on unit testing and code coverage for their DoseTrac© Enterprise software. After school, I will be working for the assessment solution software company called Linkit! in Manhattan (New York City) where I’ll be assisting educators daily as a Technical Account Manager, a data science-focused support role.
For the past two years I have worked with Professors Barry Tesman and Eren Bilen at Dickinson to investigate the significance of the tipoff in professional basketball. In August 2023, I presented the first iteration of our work at the MAA’s MathFest in Tampa, Florida. This past winter, we finalized our publication on our work which is currently in submission review. We also had a featured article about our work on the Dickinson newsletter (seen on my homepage!).
In addition, my current project is doing research revolving around the use of neural networks in Python to find an optimal strategy at winning “Turning Point” (also known as Shut the Box) an old math-faceted board game which I recently created an online version of - found on the home page of my website under my personal project section. I recommend that you check it out!
School Involvement
At school, I was both a Resident Advisor and a tour guide for two years, and I have been the assistant coach and treasurer for our club baseball team for the past three years too. Also, as of this past winter, I recently became a founding father of an associate chapter of Alpha Epsilon Pi at my school.
Fun Facts and Interests
Some fun facts about me: I am a diehard Texas Rangers fan, I have been playing baseball consistently since I was about five years old, I play disc golf and golf when the weather is nice, and I love working out.
As for the fields I am particularly interested in: I love working on personal projects that involve sports, especially fantasy sports projections and sports betting models. I am also extremely interested in working in fields such as educational and medical software.
Please feel free to check out my socials included on the bottom of the page, and please email me with any questions you might have!
Thank you to the maintainers and contributors at the Jekyll Minima GitHub repo. I relied heavily on their coding concepts to build my site from the ground up.