Connecting the Game
Hello! Thanks for showing interest in my blog, Connecting the Game (CTG)! Back in 2021, I really wanted to have my own blog where I could make posts about sports, computer science, data, and other fun stuff I found interesting. I thought it would be even more interesting if I developed one from scratch. Thus, with the help of YouTube tutorial videos from a YouTuber named “Raw Coding”, I was able to successfully build CTG. I built it on Visual Studio using the ASP.NET Core Framework, and I deployed the site to the web using Azure. I ran it for about a year or so and made almost a dozen posts. Unfortunately, I had to shut it down because the Azure database I was using to store my posts was costing money, and I was looking for a free way to host a blog. Luckily, I found GitHub pages as a free, efficient way to a personal website, and I figured I would merge CTG into this new project. Hopefully this explains and clears up the story as to why my personal website is infused with a “pre-existing” blog. If you have any more questions about my blog or how I originally made it, please reach out! I hope you enjoy!